I know Alison is going to love this photo of her on the website ;o)
I have one more layout to do for this week and, I have to admit, I'm battling. There are a number of photos on the layout and most of them are landscape rather than portrait. As this class goes on, it's making me realise that most of my photos are portrait rather than landscape. I guess I need to stop turning that camera around but it's not helping me at the moment! I'm sure I'll find some but I need to go a bit further back in my files. [Just to clarify, by landscape I don't mean photos of scenery and portrait - photos of people! ;o) ]
I haven't been to weight watchers for the last two weeks and I'm making myself go back tonight. I know it's not going to be good (and I doubt I'll be posting my progress tonight - lol!!) but I have to go back otherwise I'll slip backwards even more, and I don't want that. How I wish I could just eat what I like rather than what's good for me!!! Sigh!!
More soon
PS> The strip at the top of the layout is white - don't know why it doesn't look like it in the photo.