I was running late so missed lunch to make sure I got down to Emily's school in time to help with the sewing they're doing. Emily had asked me to walk down so that we could walk home after school but, unfortunately, I'd forgotten I was picking Chris up from the station when I agreed to this. We ended up having a frog march through town and home again to get the car and down to the station to pick him up.
Chris arrived safely but is tired after the journey down from Blackpool. Claire has now gone to work and he's having a nap upstairs. I've no doubt she'll wake him when she gets home at midnight!
Today is Red Nose Day and all the girls had the chance to wear their own clothes to school (though Claire does anyway). Claire and Emily both had to wear something Red - Emily had her red t-shirt, red nose and Red Nose Day button badge.
Have a good evening. Looking forward to my lie in tomorrow morning =o)