Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Keeping busy

In amongst the sadness of yesterday, we got some good news. Jon had been for a job interview in the morning and later in the afternoon got a call letting him know he's got the contract. He starts work on Monday. This is wonderful news and we're proud of you for pushing on and not giving up. Well done Jon! Love you! We always felt that something would come up eventually but didn't expect it to take nearly 8 months. I'm so impressed with the way Jon has carried on searching day in and day out, never giving up. It's finally paid off (the photo of Jon was taken on his birthday last October).
We kept Emily off school today and have been keeping busy. This morning Jon, Emily and I went and had breakfast at Wetherspoons then walked up to see Claire at Waterstones and for Emily to have a look at the books. From there we went to the pet shop to buy some toys for Cloud.
We took Cloud out for a walk when we got back and popped in to see my Mum and Dad on the way round. I think the fresh air did us all some good (and this time Emily and I had our hats on so our ears didn't freeze as much as they had in town earlier).
Last night Cloud slept in Emily's room in the small cage but tonight I think we may try her back in her normal cage. We've found a big teddy that Claire no longer wants and have put that into Cloud's cage/basket. At first we thought she wasn't going to have anything to do with it because she kept lying on the opposite side to the bear but this afternoon Jon said she was sleeping next to it, so I crept up to take a photo. Wallace and Cloud always lay right next to each other when they slept so she's bound to be missing him. We're hoping the teddy may be some comfort to her. Doesn't she look so sweet lying next to her teddy!
One of the things Jon has told Emily is that she can get a kitten when she feels the time is right. Today she wanted to go down to the Cat Protection Centre just to see whether they had any kittens or cats which might be suitable. We didn't see anything this visit but they have said that there are three four month old kittens who are going to be coming available in the next week or so. They have our number are will call when we can go and visit. I don't know if any of these will be the right one for her but we're told that the kitten season starts in the next month and there should be a lot more available then. Because we already have two male cats in the house, we are thinking that perhaps this time we need to get a female. I know Emily would really prefer to have a kitten so that she has it from tiny and I'm hoping that is what will end up happening. I'm sure whatever happens, we'll let you know on the blog.
I now need to go and see what I'm making for dinner tonight. We have a full house, all children home for dinner as well as Claire's boyfriend, Craig.
PS I would also like to just say thank you to everyone who left messages for us yesterday, we really appreciate your support xx