Sunday, 10 January 2010

I escaped for a short while :)

Jon managed to get the car out yesterday and again this morning when he went to Church. When he said he was going out again to meet his brother, Emily and I decided to get a lift in to town and said we'd walk home after we'd finished. It felt sooooo good to get out for a while!!! I was in such a bad mood this morning and ready to climb the walls ;o) - I told Jon it was Cabin Fever!
So, after being dropped off Emily and I went into a few shops first (we were looking for some Wellies for Emily but everywhere had sold out :o( I managed to get a hat which doesn't make me look totally silly and which kept my ears warm) and then decided to go to Starburger for something to eat. We haven't been there for ages so it was nice to eat there again. Starburger isn't a fancy restaurant but the people who run it are really friendly and the food is always good - Emily maintains that they make the best chips in East Grinstead!
The High Street in East Grinstead. These are original Tudor buildings which we are lucky enough to have in our town. While we were having lunch Emily and I were imagining the people of olden days in their long dresses, bonnets and capes walking through a snowy East Grinstead.
As you can see, the roads in town are fairly clear but the side roads are far from it, unfortunately!
Walking down Hermitage Lane
It is so pretty in the snow and it was so good to be out in the fresh air!
The bottom branches of this tree reminded me of Yule Logs ;o)
Can you see it too??
This photo is taken looking down into the Estate where we live. I think it's one of the nicer ones in East Grinstead (but I may be biased!)
I had to take a photo of our house from outside so we can remember the icicles we have!
We stopped to talk to Helen, one of our neighbours. Her children had built an igloo in their front garden which is big enough for someone to climb inside - as Ruby was happy to demonstrate!
You can just see their big snowman beside the igloo and if you look carefully you can see the little snowman in the bottom left corner :o)
At this stage we have no idea whether Emily will be going back to school tomorrow or not. We've still been having light snow showers all afternoon but the snow does seem to be starting to melt a little bit. I guess we'll just have to keep checking the school website and, in the meantime, Emily is busy working her way through all the work they were set.
I hope you've all had a good weekend and that next week is a bit clearer than it is at the moment so I can get out and about ;o)