Day 5's photo is a tough one because, in a way I'd like to use two. I'm ok with that and I'll tell you why.
Photo #2 is the one I should be using because we had double glazing fitted. Just over four years we downsized after Jon had been out of work for a while. This house was the first one we viewed and I knew it was the one for us that first day. I love it's location and I love the fact that we get sun in the back garden virtually all day (when it's sunny ;o) ). That first day as I stepped out the back door, I could imagine myself sitting on the back steps with a cup of tea/coffee. I'm so glad we got it - it may be quite a lot smaller than our last house but it feels right, it's cosy and it's home.
However, when we moved in, the house had been extended and in the new part of the house all the windows were double glazed. In the original part the windows hadn't been changed and were still single windows in wooden frames. It was something we knew we would have to change at some time and it's taken us four years to get there but they are finally done and I'm looking forward to seeing whether it makes much difference or not. In winter, opening the curtains in the lounge first thing in the morning you were subjected to a blast of cold air from the bay window. I wonder if that will still be the case!
The bay window and this kitchen window were top priority in my books. Why this kitchen window? The frame had rotted quite badly and when we had really heavy rain it would sometimes come through onto the window sill - no more :) It's feels quite silly to be this happy about windows but I am!
PS The downside to all this? The new kitchen window made me realise that the other kitchen window was in dire need of a clean so this afternoon I have cleaned it, and cleaned through all the cupboards underneath it, and now feel the need to go through all the other kitchen cupboards lol!!