Monday, 22 February 2010

This afternoon ...

After I'd finished unpacking the shopping today, I headed back into town and met Claire for lunch. She'd left her umbrella at Spoons over the weekend and got absolutely soaked walking in to work from Craig's this morning. I made a point of parking behind Spoons and went in to ask if her umbrella had been handed in - fortunately it had! We went to Neros for a panini and then into WH Smiths for some wrapping paper and padded envelopes. Once I got home it was time to start on sewing the quilt together. I love watching it growing row by row.
Not as impressed with the quilt, Bellatrix sat looking outside having wishful thinking
Then it was Mac's turn ;o)
For the most part Cloud stayed nice and warm in her basket or came and lay at my feet.
I had used my other camera today - just trying it out again - and when I downloaded the photos I found this one with Wallace in :o( He was such a big part of our lives and we do miss him. Such a sweet dog xx