Tuesday, 14 December 2010

December Daily Day 13

Tried to update the blog last night but Blogger wasn't uploading photos. I've now posted Day 11, 12 and 13 and am up to date :)
 Journalling reads: Claire, Alice, Mum and I went to do the Sainsburys shop this morning. We bumped into Kay, Theresa and Alyssa and arranged to have a coffee when we'd finished. Alyssa was very cute today and quite fascinated with Alice. I wonder what the two of them will get up to when they're a bit older. Cloud came back from the dog parlour nice and clean. Claire made dinner - Carbonara - yum!
Clockwise from top left: Mum and Kay at Starbucks; Alice slept through until we were nearly ready to leave and then woke for a feed (I never realised they're not allowed to let you have hot water for babies bottles!); Liz and Bob at the dog parlour; Alyssa :)


  1. Hi Rhona ~ Just catching up over here and I love all the pages you have posted. You have some great shots here! I love the one of your Mom at Starbucks, sweet baby Alyssa, and the one of Alice looking at you with her mommy in the background. SO precious!!! xo

  2. Such lovely photos Rhona :)

  3. You're so lucky to have your family close by. In the blink of an eye, you'll be blogging about the adventures the two Miss As are having. x

  4. You do take such lovely photos,Rhona.

  5. Naughty Blogger! But these were worth waiting for :-)

  6. I'm catching up as well, and am loving your pages. Tomorrow I am finally home all day and hope to get a bit caught up with my pages.
