Monday, 20 May 2013

Hello Monday

Hello to another 3 GCSE exams for Emily.
Hello to looking after Alice and Megan so Claire can pack.
Hello to trips to the tip.
Hello to Norma going to Brighton with Caelen.
Hello to Caelen's birthday on Wednesday.
Hello to a visit from Social Services to discuss a ramp for Dad.
Hello to Claire and the girls moving into their new house on Saturday (yes it has all happened very quickly).
Hello to my birthday on Sunday.

What's your week looking like?



  1. Hooray for your birthday week! :o) Sounds like everyone is going in different directions this week ~ have a great one!!!

  2. Have just had a lovely catch up, have been busy, and will continue to be so by the sound of things...hope the move goes well and best of luck with the ramp!
    Alison xx

  3. Goodness, it's all go again for you, isn't it? Happy birthday week to you!

  4. Very belated birthday wishes! I'm just now getting around to catching up with my blog reading.
