Sunday, 20 June 2010

20th of June = 22 years old and 19 weeks - 1 day

Today is Hugh's 22nd birthday. I think he got the things he was hoping for and that he's had a good day. We've just got back from having dinner at Frankie and Benny's (most enjoyable) and I have a lot more photos to go through but thought I'd put this one up for now.
Happy Birthday Hugh!
Love you :)
As we started taking photos of Claire on the 20th of each month, today was also the day to take her next photo. Tomorrow she will be 19 weeks pregnant and a week on Friday she goes for her 20 week scan where she's hoping to find out the sex of the baby :)
Claire's hoping that you'll be able to see she does have a bump now. It's not that clear at this angle but is more noticeable when she does this ;)
I know the blog is long overdue it's next post but life is quite busy at the moment. Norma eventually got here last Sunday (a story for another day) and although we thought we'd be having some quiet days this week, that hasn't happened. I promise to try and do some catch up posts during the week.
I also apologise for not being up to date with everyone's blogs - I hope to get a chance to do some catching up soon and promise to leave some comments when I do :)


  1. Hi Rhona ~ I'm so glad I'm not the only one having a tough time getting around to blogging lately! Just so much going on, and blogging has had to take the back seat.

    Happy Birthday to your Hugh - we both have babies close to the same age! My Carrie's birthday was June 6th.

    And yes, you can definitely tell that Claire has a bump! I'm excited to know if it's a boy or a girl!

  2. Happy Birthday to Hugh! We miss you, of course, but I think you should be enjoying every minute of your sister's visit. You can catch up with us later!

  3. Oh, yes! That's a definite bump! and she's looking happy and healthy.

  4. Happy birthday to your boy! And yes, I can see a bump now :-) Don't worry about being busy - we can all relate to that - I haven't been round much lately either! xx
