Saturday, 26 December 2009

Boxing Day

Boxing Day is when we have a quiet day and relax after Christmas day. My nephew, Max is over playing games with Hugh
and Emily is enjoying reading, uploading her new CDs to her iPod and watching DVDs she's received. Claire has gone to Craig's grandparents for the day but, if I remember correctly, is working again tomorrow.
I have spent today catching up on some washing (though not very well) and trying to get to grips with Photoshop Elements 8. There are a few features that have changed that I used to use regularly so I am having to work out how things are done now. I've edited my photos (as you can probably tell by the number of posts up today) and printed a few photos out already. I'm thinking of scrapbook pages that could be made but first of all I have to think about catching up with my JYC layouts.
I hope your Christmas was as enjoyable as ours and I look forward to reading about some of them on the blogs I read. Enjoy your evening.


  1. I surprised myself this morning by getting started on some washing then surprised myself even more by tidying up the shelves in my kitchen cupboards and getting rid of the 'past its use by date' tins and packets of Melba Toast and oatcakes which had hidden themselves at the very back of the top shelves where I can't see them - I'm not tall enough!
    My small ladder stool is too wobbly for me now so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
    Don't worry, that spurt of energy isn't likely to last. Too many chocolates to eat and a nice warm quilt to snuggle under. xxx

    PS. Thank you for the photograph frame containing the family group photographs from Christmas Day. Lovely to have. xxx

  2. Boxing Day is always like this, isn't it? Back to normal for us tomorrow ~ DS needs his routine, he was completely overwhelmed yesterday!

  3. LOVE that blue nail polish on the table!!! Sounds very much like our Boxing Day - lots of relaxing - trying out Christmas gifts...reading etc etc...

    Glad to hear you had a lovely Christmas - have enjoyed reading all about it :)

  4. Good luck with Photoshop.I gave up and use picasa.I'm too computer illiterate for photoshop!
    Check out the bokeh technique I've used and get out your 50mm

  5. Good luck with Photoshop.I gave up and use picasa.I'm too computer illiterate for photoshop!
    Check out the bokeh technique I've used and get out your 50mm
