Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Surprise visit :)

I know it's been a while since my last post but it's summer and there's stuff going on (more of which I'll hopefully get round to blogging about soon).
So, this surprise visit ;). I "met" Tammy a while ago after leaving a message on her sister Mandy's blog, when Mandy asked where people who visited her blog lived. I said I lived in West Sussex, England and shortly afterwards Tammy contacted me because her son was a missionary in West Sussex. It turned out that he was based in our town at that time and Tammy and I sent a few emails backwards and forwards.
To cut a long story short, yesterday Tammy contacted me on Facebook to let me know she was in England (a surprise birthday present) and wanted to know if we could meet up. Today that happened and we had a great time. Hugh and Emily came with me and we met Tammy, her husband, Alan and son Brandon for a drink and something to eat, before they carried on on their way to Eastbourne. It felt like we'd known them for ages and we could have quite happily spent longer in their company. Isn't the blogging world a fantastic way to get to know people from around the world - and sometimes even get to meet them :D
Tammy and me
Emily, Hugh and Brandon - sorry Brandon, not the best photo of you, can we blame your Dad ;)
Tammy, Alan and Brandon, thank you so much for stopping in to see us; we really enjoyed meeting you :) Enjoy the rest of your time in England and safe journey home.


  1. How lovely! Isn't BlogLand wonderful!?

  2. Yes, that is very cool indeed!

  3. What a great story. I love the new opportunities blogging brings :)

  4. Lots of my friends don't understand blogging at all, but this is a prime example of one of the greatest benefits!

  5. Hey that's cool that you got to meet a blog friend! I've met one person that I met through blogs and it was a lot of fun.

    BTW: My very best friend in the world is someone I met while taking an online college class ten years ago. We have visited each other many times (she lives in Hawaii now) and always keep in touch. :o)
